12-Pack boxes above: First box has no stamp marks on the bottom end; second box has “SAIL SHARK” and “1 DOZEN ASST.” stamped in black; third box has “SAIL SHARK”, “1 DOZEN YD 60”, and “SERIES 200” stamped in red. The red print on the bottom front of the middle box says “NEW COLOR same as Coach Dog No. 5. Yellow with Black Markings and Red Eye. Yellow Dog No. 60.”
Below: package insert from another brown and beige box (no stamp marks on end).
Reverse side of insert:
The plastic boxes Demon used for the individual lures were 1 3/4″ wide, 2 1/4″ long, and 7/8″ high, with “MADE IN U.S.A.-#-U.S.PAT.2,570,341” on the back inside of the lid (small print – very hard to see; # was 1-10; n=122 boxes). The bifurcated lower box hinge was on the left side of the box bottom looking from the front to back.
Plastic box inserts:
The first two inserts are for the 200-series, and the last one for the 100-series.